By this time we are already familiar of the different issues Fosamax has been associated to. Several cases have already been filed against Merck, the manufacturer, about the adverse effects of the drug which the company allegedly failed to disclose. In an up to date event, Canadian Court dismisses motion for a class-action lawsuit against Fosamax.
For patients who are about to start their Fosamax therapy, it’s natural to be worried about its effects – both the favorable and the not. Even if our doctors never run short of giving us reminders about the therapy, the need to hear what others would say about the medicament will not die out. Testimonials and user reviews are all over the internet but I have collected some of those from reliable sites and summarized them in this article.
Due to the action of drug, which is to keep the bones strong, its efficacy won’t be observed unless several bone scans are performed. For that reason, reviews from users are mainly about the side effects they have experienced and not its benefits.
If you look up on forums about Fosamax, perhaps the most frequent feedback you will notice is that reports about muscle and joint pains – may it be on the jaw, back, hips, knees and even on the toes. Some say , the pain was so excruciating and apparently the pain does not seem to subside until the end of the course. Additionally, some also reported other side effects like heartburn, upset stomach, constipation, itchy eyes and swelling sinuses.
The side effects of Fosamax mentioned above are based on users that posted their own reviews about the drug. You may or may not experience the same effects. Also, ask your physician if you have questions or concerns about your Fosamax prescription as he/she knows what’s best for your case.